City of Margaret Helpful Links
This page contains some helpful links for City of Margaret residents, businesses and visitors. We invite you to keep this as a handy reference.
Public Utilities
Alabama Power
Trussville Utilities
Water & Sewer
Garbage Services
The City of Margaret, Alabama is in the St. Clair County School district. Margaret has an elementary school. Depending upon your address, your children may be in the Springville, Odenville or Moody school district.
Margaret Elementary School
200 Mustang Drive
Odenville, AL 35120
To find your child's school, click here to learn more.
Tornado Shelters
The City of Margaret has three tornado shelters. These shelters are open for tornado warnings (no pets). To find a shelter near you, click here.
Storm Shelter
1814 South Hillcrest Rd
Odenville, AL 35120
Storm Shelter
155 Fox Trot Way
Odenville, AL 35120
Storm Shelter
880 Woodland Circle
Odenville, AL 35120

Margaret City Hall
825 Woodland Circle • Odenville, AL 35120
Phone: (205) 629-5501 • Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm